
Address: Astoria Hotel, Anjuna Mapusa Road, Bardez, Assagao, Goa 403507

Book a table now: 92849 81141 (whatsapp), 0832 2268034 (landline)
For feedback or job enquiries e-mail:

Bar & Cafe: 9 am-11 pm everyday
Breakfast: 9am – 11am only
Pet friendly, wheelchair access available
Live Music: Fridays 8 pm onwards

Reservation Policy:
Please provide a valid mobile number at all times to ensure a valid booking.
Given connectivity issues in Goa & most certainly Assagao, please send us a whatsapp message to confirm your booking or call us on the landline number.
In the event of a fully booked slot/day, kindly walk-in and speak to the front desk for the same and/or start at our bar while we arrange a table for you.
Your special needs:
Several dishes on our menu can be made Vegan, Jain, or Gluten-free so please check with your server on which can be tweaked to your taste. Also, do let us know of any dietary restrictions and allergies you might have so we can advise you accordingly.
Catering for special events
If you’ve liked what you’ve savoured here, do keep us in mind for catering any special occasion you have in mind. Mail us at: